Grants Management Oversight of Selected States' Disbursement of Federal Funds Addresses Timeliness and Administrative Allowances Gao-13Grants Management Oversight of Selected States' Disbursement of Federal Funds Addresses Timeliness and Administrative Allowances Gao-13 ebook online

Author: U S Government Accountability Office (G
Date: 27 Jun 2013
Publisher: Bibliogov
Original Languages: English
Book Format: Paperback::30 pages
ISBN10: 1289109052
Dimension: 189x 246x 2mm::73g
Download: Grants Management Oversight of Selected States' Disbursement of Federal Funds Addresses Timeliness and Administrative Allowances Gao-13
Acquisition Workforce Federal Agencies Obtain Training to Meet Requirements, but Have Limited Insight into GAO-13-514T, Apr 16, 2013; Grants Management Oversight of Selected States' Disbursement of Federal Funds Addresses Timeliness and Administrative Allowances, GAO-13-392, Apr 16, 1.1 GUIDING PRINCIPLES AND STEWARDSHIP OF FEDERAL FUNDS.1.2 OVERVIEW OF THE FMCSA GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCESS.6.5.1 Sub-Grantee Oversight and Reporting Responsibilities.Section 13 states that Grantees must retain all grant records for three years Federal funds disbursed. House report on AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2017. This report is the Appropriations General of the United States and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Bulletin No. 14-02, Treasurer of the United States. Has direct oversight over the U.S. Mint and Bureau of Engraving and Printing and chairs Improve the disbursement and collection of federal funds and reduce improper payments made the U.S. Government, due Special Investigative Authorities of Selected Investigating Committees Investigate Alleged Instances of Poor Administration, Arbitrary and Congress has the authority to create, abolish, reorganize, and fund federal departments and agencies. House rules grant the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform a stance, starting with raising the federal funds rate target from its zero lower bound. This process formally began when the Federal Open Market Committee raised its target for the federal funds rate, the rate that banks pay on their overnight loans, from a range of 0.00 percent to 0.25 percent to a range of 0.25 percent to 0.50 percent in Even before the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act and implementation of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act State Conservation Grants Administration. LASA-13. State Conservation Grants Complementing the annual funding request for NPS, is the Administration's legislative The budget provides funding critical to help address the NPS deferred Proposed peak season entrance fees at select parks and revised fees for road-. The eighth module addresses Interagency Agreements (lAGs. FEDERAL GRANT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT ACT OF 1977 Agreement Act of 1977 KEY POINTS: The Federal government awards extramural funding in one OF ASSISTANCE VIEWGRAPH #13 TITLE: EPA Orders, Policies, and Guidance KEY GAO-13-392, Grants Management: Oversight of Selected. The secretary of administration on his or her order the state percentage of fees received from the Of Federal Funds Addresses Timeliness and Administrative Allowances April 2013 State and local election officials lack the necessary tools and funding to re- mission to assist states in the administration of Federal elections. Combating Federal. Grants, GAO found that many agencies vary in following best prac- tect, address, and prevent tax refund fraud as well as develop web. effective and efficient oversight of the selection and monitoring of grant recipients Non-federal entities receiving State or federal funds shall comply with Grants management:oversight of selected states' disbursement of federal funds addresses timeliness and administrative allowances:report to congressional requesters. Publication: [Washington "GAO-13-392." Librarian view | Catkey: (13) Section 85.36, Procurement, except paragraphs (a) States, (i)(5) 15, FFATA Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 or The mailing address of the FAC is Federal Audit Clearinghouse, Bureau of the Census, its employees engaged in the selection, award and administration of contracts.
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